UXPin review (and Pidoco & web Balsamiq)

10 April 2016

Our small team has been using UXPin for a week to wireframe a public web app. We bought the standard version for four people for a month.  Here's what we found: The good:

The bad:

I tried too Pidoco because it is MUCH cheaper. But it had similar problems with not being able to add hotspots to menus or have nested reusable components. Web Balsamiq is even worse. It can run only using Flash (an ancient technology) and doesn't have site maps - all pages are in a long flat list with a scrollbar. And saving must be explicitly clicked. So in conclusion I'd probably use Pidoco next time because it's cheap and does most of what you want. But none of the collaborative wireframing tools have everything you need.

2016-04-27 - UPDATE

Pidoco read this review & say you can do some stuff after all (so they now get my number one vote for both price & features):